Monday, February 27, 2012

Urbanization: The Half-Time Score

Personal affluence up 3000%; people living in extreme poverty down from about 75% to 20%; atmospheric CO2 concentration up from 280 ppm to 393.5 ppm; at least 700 known species lost; 1.3 billion hectares with moderate to severe soil degradation; big fish in the oceans – more than 90% gone.

The starting gun for the first half of industrialization – globalization – urbanization sounded in 1784 when James Watt, William Murdoch and Matthew Boulton’s efforts culminated in a patent award for the “steam locomotive”. That’s when the urbanization race began in earnest. Half of us now live in cities, with 185,000 more streaming in every day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love and the City: Happy Valentine’s Day

Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment PlantUrbanists are quick to champion the benefits of cities and how they drive economic growth, education, health improvements, and if built and managed well are the best way to achieve ‘sustainable development.’ But rarely do we talk about how cities nurture and encourage love, not to mention great parties, rock and roll, and all those passionate sporting events.

Cities don’t make love possible, but they sure do make it easier. Cities are all about connections, opportunities and logistical challenges. Take Valentine’s Day and the ‘average guy’ in the US. He will spend about $168 this year to celebrate, and woo, his love (women spend about half that). Over the last six weeks about 700 million fresh cut flowers passed through Miami International to be processed at one of the 23 chilled warehouses within five miles of the airport. Making sure no pests or contraband were brought in with the flowers required several thousand US Customs and Agriculture officers working round the clock.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My Father’s Ford – A New Model for Cities

Ford ShowroomMy father is a Ford man he's driven nothing but since 1958. When I was a kid I would go with him every fall to the new models showroom party at Lange and Fetter Ford Motors in Trenton, Canada. I would get a balloon, some cake and maybe get to sit in a new car (spilled the cake on the new seat one year). Since being a kid I’ve always been amazed how car manufacturers manage to come out with yet another new version every year. Some years it would just be the lights that changed, in other years there might be a whole remake of the model, or an entirely new model might be introduced.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Climate Controversy Hounds Groundhog Day Celebrations

Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania: Today around 7:00 am, Punxsutawney Phil (PN, USA) emerged from his burrow, saw his shadow and predicted six more weeks of winter.  A few minutes later and a few hundred miles north, Wiarton Willie (ON, Canada) emerged, didn’t see his shadow and predicted an early spring.

Immediately upon issuing their prognostications the Houston and Calgary based ‘Committee for Climate Certainty’ rebutted the groundhogs’ findings, claiming the science was uncertain.  The Committee released hacked emails between Wiarton Willie and Punxsutawney Phil – “What are we going to do about those scientists’ concerns?”  Willie is purported to have asked Phil in an email late last year.  “Let’s stick to the date, just fudge our shadows and hope no one notices,” Phil is reported to have responded.